Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well, you heard it here 1st. Its snowing outside. This morning, I got up, expecting to see a blanket of white covering everything that remains still outside, only to be disappointed by the ugliness of the rain soaked swill.

As the day wanes on, the clouds grew darker and the snow started falling. Funny thing is, yesterday, in a place I used to dream about snow happening, Dallas, happened. They got a couple of inches and are expecting 6 more by tomorrow. Can ya' believe it? Snow in Dallas?

This brings to mind that summer is over, and fall is giving way to winter. ARG!!! Man, the beautiful colors this fall gave way to was unimaginable. And, I'm sure its going to be a knock out winter, too. As long as I stay vertical, all will be well in the world. But, soon as the legs go flying and the ass hits the ground, writing about this wonderland full of icicles and snow will turn hateful and ugly. LOL

Last night I was walking Mr. H and the clouds were giving way to a full moon evening, with a ring around it. Something is coming. If its snow, Harley will go nutts. I have never seen a dog love snow as much as this mutt does. New snow that is. The frozen stuff, he whimpers and won't go in it. I don't blame him, but if I whimpered every time I got cold, I'd spend 9 months out of the year, here in Chicago, whining! But, that's a whole nother story.

So, with the coming of snow, it's telling me that the good time is over for a few months. Winter is on and it's time to bar the doors, close the windows, pull the drapes to, and hang a sign out front that reads, 'Closed Due To Mother Nature's Slumber!' Sleep tight all...

Peace and Blessed Be!

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