Friday, August 29, 2008

Democratic Convention

Well, the Democrats have spoken. Barack Obama is our man, and his lovely wife, Michelle, will be at his side as he takes on this great country of ours! Joe Biden, I believe, will be a great VP.

We gathered around our TV sets, starting Monday, to watch history in the making. And, it was made. The 1st Black presidential candidate's wife was heard from, in a teary speech that resounded across this country. On Tuesday, Hilliary Clinton took the stage to step aside and endorsed Barack in another tearful speech.

I was lucky to get home, from work early enough, to catch the last of Joe Biden's speech on Wednesday and then after it was over, it was replayed, so I saw it in its entirety. Awesome speaker!

Then came the ending we had been waiting for on Thursday. BARACK OBAMA. We all met, not around Vanessa's table, but around Jasmine's. With all kinds of things to nibble on, we watched, in anticipation, for Barack to take center stage. Right before he came out, we changed venues to the living room to watch him on a bigger screen, all the while devouring White Castle hamburgers. It was a hoot. The company, the speakers, the candidates, were truly awesome.

You know I love my 2 girls so very much. This was the 1st Convention I have ever watched in my life. I could care less until this year!!! And, I couldn't have watched it with anyone smarter and more lovely than my 2 girls downstairs.

Ron even made a cameo appearance with Harley. Mistake #1! Mistake #2, came when he told me to walk him without a leash. Strike 3 came when he returned with the dog and left him. Shouldn't have done that, either. 3 strikes, you're out!!!

Supposedly, Harley had been walked, where he did "his business." But, upon his return, which should have never happened, all the while we were cleaning up our messes, Harley decides to make another one of his own, and "blesses" Jasmine's rug in her dining room! I was furious and humiliated. I am still furious today!

It was noticed, by everyone, that the energy went down hill the moment Ron walked into the room. You know, I have really nothing to say to that, except, he used to not be this way. He was always the life of the party! I don't know what I've done to him to make him act like this, but I take full responsibility for his actions. I'm so confused right now. I don't know whether it's his meds that are off, he's trying to drive me crazy, or just out to ruin me in the community, but this behavior is totally foreign to me. So to my "girls downstairs," I truly apologize for him and for my dog's actions last night. It won't happen again, trust me.

Harley has been severely punished and "grounded" for 4 weeks. As far as Ron is concerned, I just threw my hands up in the air and I really don't want to be around him for a while. So, the saga of Vanessa's Kitchen Table moves on, without a dog present for at least a month, and Ron, well until he's thrown out on his ear. I have no control over him. He has to find his own way himself. I am finding mine, and its not with him.

Okay, that rant is over...

I'm looking forward to November when I can pull the lever, punch the card, or blacken in the oval, making my statement for who I think should be President of this United States of America!!! I will give equal time and watch the Republican Convention, also. My mom would be so proud. But, all in the back of my head, while I'm rolling my eyes at the TV, I will be hearing the familiar chant, TIME FOR A CHANGE, TIME FOR A CHANGE, and 4 MORE MONTHS, 4 MORE MONTHS! What a E Ticket ride this will be!

And, before I sign off for the day, may I take this time and opportunity to be the 1st to wish you, and the characters around Vanessa's Kitchen Table a Happy Labor Day, and GODDESS BLESS AMERICA!!!

Democratic Convention

Monday, August 25, 2008

Glenwood Art Festival

Wow! What a weekend we had.

1st off, the shot, Lady V had to have, worked this time. She said she hasn't felt this good in months. She even tried to leave her house without her cane. In my eyes, that was huge. She actually forget she needed it. HUGE!!

It took some of us quite awhile to come to, Saturday. I, being one of them. We didn't leave our homes until 7:30 Sat. night to cruise the Glenwood Festival. By the time we got there, 8:00pm, they were tearing down for the day. DAMN, we missed it. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. Because, wasn't it Scarlet O'Hara that said, '....Well, tomorrow is another daay!' LOL

Well, another daay came and we were ready this time. We had a blast. We drank, we danced to music the bands were playing, we laughed, but most importantly, WE SHOPPED!!! The girls bought almost every necklace and danglie ear-bob in sight. I bought myself a necklace made of stones that will absorb negativity. The damn thing should blow up by the end of the week. LOL The girls really didn't buy that much, but what they did get are absolutely beautiful!

We stumbled into Andy's Art Gallery nearby and he was a 'no show.' We really wanted to see him and congratulate him on his wonderful work that was sprawled out over the walls lining the street. His, John's, and Art's huge canvases painted gorgeously. We're really proud of them!

Finally, we had enough and they were closing things up. We have 1 more weekend, in Chicago, before the summer's over and there will be 1 or more festivals somewhere in town! And speaking about summer being over. There is a nip in the air around Vanessa's Kitchen Table. Please don't let summer be almost over. What do we have left? COLD!

Last night was the beginning of the Democratic Convention. I have never watched 1 before. Out of respect to Jasmine, Jeremy and I turned it on. The speeches were all pretty much what I expected, but when Edward Kennedy came out and spoke, he commanded that audience. And the frenzy built upon Michelle Obama lastly taking the stage. Both Jeremy and I sat on the end of my couch, our jaws dropped and tears flowing down our cheeks. It was a stellar performance! What a speech writer she has. And, what a delivery of that speech. I turned to Jeremy, with tears in his eyes, and said, 'That's our next 1st Lady!' His tears poured even more!

We have 3 more nights when the 3 of us, Vanessa, Jasmine, and myself, maybe Ron, will convene in Jasmine's house around her coffee table and watch the final night of the convention when Barack takes center stage. I heard during the convention last night, that a plot to assassinate him, on Thursday night, was foiled. Please don't let anything happen to him. Our hopes and dreams, as a country, for a better tomorrow rests on this man's shoulders!

And with that, I bid you a good night!

Love and Peaceful Journeys,

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lincoln Park Zoo

Steve, another zany member of the "Table," took us, Vanessa, Judith, and myself, a late birthday celebration for Lady V, to the zoo for a Soul Asylum concert, which was fantastic last night. The only thing wrong, was poor Lady V, struggling with her cane and people standing with huge, donkey asses right in front of us, blocking the view of the stage. I had to step in a couple of times to ask the party-goers to step aside so the lady sitting down could see. That worked for a little bit, but then these crazy str8 people, without a single conscience between all of them, kept crouching closer to us. It got to the point where crazy V threw her cane at 1 of them. The ditsy girl promptly turned around, picked it up and handed it back to Vanessa. "Stupid girl, that was meant for your ass, not the ground. V's just a bad shot."

All in all Vanessa bitched, which I took as a good sign. It made me feel good to see her get mad!You see, since she's been down in her back, she hasn't bitched about a thing. When asked how she's feeling, she kind of shrugged it off. But now, 'Hell hath no furry than a girl that is feeling better!' Go get 'em V!!!

Oh, and then Lady V spotted a "queen" that waits outside, everyday, with her, for the bus to come home from work. Always nose in the air and stuffed like a turkey! Last evenin' was different. V caught them cruising me. The toad's partner even came over and asked if had seen me before at the Cell Block. Please! Couldn't you have come up with 1 better than that stale old line??? As the 2 approached me, V got up and walked over to me. I already knew what she was going to do. 'Kiss me,' she uttered. So I did. Cracked a lot of faces around us, especially theirs! They stayed for just a little bit, just long enogh to where V let the snobby little fag have it. It was fabulous!!!

We got home a little late. No one wanted to leave the concert and they made SA play another song. When we got home, all we heard when we came thru the gate was Ron's loud, freaking mouth hollering out obscenities telling us to be quiet, all coming from Jasmine's window. He was acting like Keith did, which was hilarious at the time, but wasn't this time. (Ron, you need to get your own material!) The poor thing had been trapped with Ron for goodness knows how long. When we arrived inside her apartment, he was his normal loud, obnoxious self and was really trying to be the center of attention. Drives me crazy. I wasn't going to last long down there!

But, Jas brought up a good point before I had to leave and take medicine, THANKSGIVING! As I wrote earlier, Jasmine, Ron, and I spent a lovely Thanksgiving with each other last year. Well, its getting close again. And this time we want the whole crew in on it. It was agreed. We will cook at our separate flats, and then join together in Jasmine's Dining room, since it is the biggest among the group, to eat! I can't wait. I haven't cooked that big, well since last Thanksgiving. This should be a hoot, tho. All of our friends together again on this special day? Man, what a kick!

Love and Peaceful Journeys,

Vanessa's Job

Vanessa works with, it sounds like, a power hungry bitch that is out of control, making every one's life that she comes into contact with, miserable. It seems like poor Vanessa is hobbling around on a cane, and the near-sighted bitch won't even ask her what's the matter. To go from not using a cane to using 1, usually that means there's a problem with that person. Quoting this steam-roller of a woman, '...that I don't interfere with personal lives of employees,' is a bunch of crap! I would think she'd want to know what's going on in the lives of her employees so she won't end up sued. But that's just my view. I'm sure she's a lovely lady. And, Vanessa trudges on, boiling...

A piece of advice, which I will share with you, was given to Lady V a couple of days ago, from a very wise older man, 'Don't let anyone take up space in your head that's not paying rent!' I like that. And that's the thought I will leave you with...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Theater

You know, when someone you deeply care about, or even love, is in pain, you hurt right along with them.

Vanessa, Mistress of the Kitchen Table, went back to the doc yesterday, getting another needle stuck in her spine, to relieve the severe pain that she's in, before her surgery next month. They tried the same procedure last week and fucked her up even more. This time it worked a little bit.

The 3 of us, Vanessa, Jasmine, and myself, night before last, were seated around the infamous table, recounting our experience from the previous night. That would be Saturday. What a time we had!

1st, getting Vanessa, cane, pain, and all to the Steppenwolf was a trip. It actually felt like the gods were against us. The poor thing was in so much pain. She wouldn't say a word because she didn't want to disappoint us. She's something else.

The Redline dropped us off where there was no working escalator. Poor Lady V had to literally climb 4, long tears of steps before we reached the outside. But the whole time, she never shed a tear. The word, "Courage," comes to mind when I think of her!

Secondly, we finally arrived at the Steppenwolf and we headed immediately to the bar. V and J quickly drank glasses of wine, while I chugged scotch/rocks. We barely made it in time.

The play, "Superior Donuts," was sold out and already full. Just about everyone was seated when we made our grand entrance into the theater. I made my way down to the 1st row, with the 2 most elegant women I have ever had the pleasure of lending an arm to. We all were dressed quite smartly!

Jaws dropped, as we passed theater goers, going down, row by row, to the front. With the 3 of us beaming, I still heard whispers, the feeling of being watched was present, and I being undressed by a very cute man that took to the balcony. I have to say, we made a striking trio!

And, by the way, the night before, Lady V was handing out box cutters to Jasmine and myself for protection. J was horrified that she lived in a time where she might have to use it. Well, back at the theater. We make our entrance, heads held high, finally we get to our seats, and J's purse spills to the floor in front of her chair. What should hit the floor 1st you may ask? I'll tell you. It was her damn box cutter. The 3 of us died laughing. Flustered, embarrassed, and now harassed by V and myself, she, red faced, shoves it back into her purse, with the rest of the stuff that hit the floor. Let the show begin...

Later, we had 10:00 reservations at the King Crab, down the street. I flagged down a taxi and off we went. We arrived in time for our reservation and no sooner was our water brought to us, the manager spilled a full glass of it on Jasmine. You should have seen her face. When J gets mad, her lips disappear. They were non-existent when the flood hit, and I don't blame her! The manager bought another round of drinks for us trying to correct the mistake.

We ordered shrimp, catfish, oysters, and crab claws at "market price." No one thought a thing about it. The meal was great, until the busboy started glaring at us. Then he brought out a broom and proceeded to sweep an area close to our table. We asked the waiter, which turned out to be the owners son, what the busboy's problem was? He said he was just in a bad mood, but would say something to him. Bad mood or not, service is service. And when it's bad, it's *&^$*#%*%*@!

He came over to our table a couple of times and just stared at us. Not saying a word, just staring! 'Nearly took my plate, which I hadn't finished yet. I thought I was going to have to "fork" him. All the while Jasmine is seething. Then the bill came and we found out what "market prices" were on the crab. $55! Jasmine almost fainted. She was so cool though. I've never been more proud of her. Not only are we being rudely stared at, we were being charged $55 for crabs?

Jasmine took out her card and settle it up anyway. Then a thought came to me, while she still had the check. She told us, before dinner, that this restaurant gave a 20% discount if you had Steppenwolf ticket stubs. When I flashed the stubs, all was better. Almost...

Upon our departure, Jasmine gave the busboy the "finger," as we made our way out. Not the middle one, which in my mind would have been appropriate anyway, she gave him her index finger. Shaking it in his face, she exclaimed, 'You are the worst person I have ever had to deal with in a restaurant before!' We later laughed about it, while we rested on a nearby wall. Moaning and groaning from over eating, that was our dessert. Lady Fingers! There was no "market price" on that. It was truly priceless!

Moments later, "smiley" came outside, still glaring. He sat on the steps of the restaurant, with his head in his hands, as if ostracized by his fellow employees.

I flagged another cab down, damn I love doing that, and homeward bound we were. And, we were still laughing. We laughed even after we got home. Sadly, we hugged on the 1st floor, and the the 3 of us went our separate ways! Of course I laughed loudly into my pillow. I'm not going to see my girls until the next afternoon, wondering what we were going to get into then...

August 17, 2008

My name is Bear. I'm 47 years old, gay, and I live in the magical city of Chicago. I moved up here a year ago from Dallas, Texas, with my dog Harley, 3 cats, my ex-partner Ron, and HIV! Being Southern, I was raised with Southern manners and Southern values. Quite different from this place in which I live. I also speak with a Southern accent which a lot of people love. And, having HIV, you can imagine what a roller coaster ride my life must be!

I live in Rogers Park, 1 block east of the Redline, otherwise known as the EL, and a block east of me is Lake Michigan. I have never seen a lake like this before. It's like looking at the ocean. The only thing missing is the smell of salt in the air, and seashells scattered on the shore.

The building in which I live, contains an eclectic group of characters! It seemed like a weekend didn't pass when there wasn't a party, in which I was never invited to, going on, on the 1st floor. Despite feeling left out of the loop, I struck out on my way. I quickly became part of the "Breakfast Club." Members of my complex and neighboring complexes meet every morning to wake up, downstairs at the coffee shop Ennui, to shoot the breeze with 1 another.

Then, I started volunteering, shortly upon my arrival, at a wonderful place called Test Positive Aware Network. TPAN. Throughout the months, I became certified in HIV Testing and HIV Prevention Counseling and Partner Counseling. Still, the parties continued downstairs. Thanksgiving came...

Ron and I, in Dallas, would open up our home and invite everyone we knew, that didn't have a place to go, for dinner, in which I cooked. We decided to do the same thing as soon as we moved up here to Chicago. Mass emails, at work and throughout the friends we had already met, were sent out, inviting them to our "shindig." Only 1 person showed up. Her name is Jasmine, and she lives on the 1st floor. We had a ball, just the 3 of us. Jasmine later had both feet operated on, in 2 separate surgeries. The last time I picked her up from the hospital. We bonded instantly. I love this woman like a sister! With knowing her, I was quickly introduced to the "party lady," Vanessa, which now I love her, too! Since the introduction to both ladies, Ron and I are on the "party list!" Vanessa has thrown several barbecues in which Ron and I have been invited. Finally, I made it to the parties!

Both women are absolutely crazy. Crazy in a good way. We are constantly laughing. So hard sometimes our sides almost split! Looking at us and listening to us, you'd think we were related. Jasmine is from Long Island, New York, and Vanessa, Joliet, Illinois, and I from Dallas. What makes us different, besides the geography from which we came, is our gender and the color of our skin. Trust me, none of these differences is an issue with us!

Since these 2 women and I bonded, just about every day, 1 of us, both of us, or a herd of other people are gathered around Vanessa's kitchen table. This special place is where you go to laugh, solve the problems of the world, cry, play games, or just chill and hangout! It feels like going home. In the past few months of this summer, a lot of things have happened around this table, with many more to come.

This is the beginning of the tale of Vanessa's Kitchen Table! Now you have a little bit of back ground on the cast of characters that pass through her door and sit around her table. Others, like Judith, Art, his partner Raymond, Steve, Chris, my dog Harley, and a host of others will be described later.