Friday, August 29, 2008

Democratic Convention

Well, the Democrats have spoken. Barack Obama is our man, and his lovely wife, Michelle, will be at his side as he takes on this great country of ours! Joe Biden, I believe, will be a great VP.

We gathered around our TV sets, starting Monday, to watch history in the making. And, it was made. The 1st Black presidential candidate's wife was heard from, in a teary speech that resounded across this country. On Tuesday, Hilliary Clinton took the stage to step aside and endorsed Barack in another tearful speech.

I was lucky to get home, from work early enough, to catch the last of Joe Biden's speech on Wednesday and then after it was over, it was replayed, so I saw it in its entirety. Awesome speaker!

Then came the ending we had been waiting for on Thursday. BARACK OBAMA. We all met, not around Vanessa's table, but around Jasmine's. With all kinds of things to nibble on, we watched, in anticipation, for Barack to take center stage. Right before he came out, we changed venues to the living room to watch him on a bigger screen, all the while devouring White Castle hamburgers. It was a hoot. The company, the speakers, the candidates, were truly awesome.

You know I love my 2 girls so very much. This was the 1st Convention I have ever watched in my life. I could care less until this year!!! And, I couldn't have watched it with anyone smarter and more lovely than my 2 girls downstairs.

Ron even made a cameo appearance with Harley. Mistake #1! Mistake #2, came when he told me to walk him without a leash. Strike 3 came when he returned with the dog and left him. Shouldn't have done that, either. 3 strikes, you're out!!!

Supposedly, Harley had been walked, where he did "his business." But, upon his return, which should have never happened, all the while we were cleaning up our messes, Harley decides to make another one of his own, and "blesses" Jasmine's rug in her dining room! I was furious and humiliated. I am still furious today!

It was noticed, by everyone, that the energy went down hill the moment Ron walked into the room. You know, I have really nothing to say to that, except, he used to not be this way. He was always the life of the party! I don't know what I've done to him to make him act like this, but I take full responsibility for his actions. I'm so confused right now. I don't know whether it's his meds that are off, he's trying to drive me crazy, or just out to ruin me in the community, but this behavior is totally foreign to me. So to my "girls downstairs," I truly apologize for him and for my dog's actions last night. It won't happen again, trust me.

Harley has been severely punished and "grounded" for 4 weeks. As far as Ron is concerned, I just threw my hands up in the air and I really don't want to be around him for a while. So, the saga of Vanessa's Kitchen Table moves on, without a dog present for at least a month, and Ron, well until he's thrown out on his ear. I have no control over him. He has to find his own way himself. I am finding mine, and its not with him.

Okay, that rant is over...

I'm looking forward to November when I can pull the lever, punch the card, or blacken in the oval, making my statement for who I think should be President of this United States of America!!! I will give equal time and watch the Republican Convention, also. My mom would be so proud. But, all in the back of my head, while I'm rolling my eyes at the TV, I will be hearing the familiar chant, TIME FOR A CHANGE, TIME FOR A CHANGE, and 4 MORE MONTHS, 4 MORE MONTHS! What a E Ticket ride this will be!

And, before I sign off for the day, may I take this time and opportunity to be the 1st to wish you, and the characters around Vanessa's Kitchen Table a Happy Labor Day, and GODDESS BLESS AMERICA!!!

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