Saturday, August 23, 2008

Vanessa's Job

Vanessa works with, it sounds like, a power hungry bitch that is out of control, making every one's life that she comes into contact with, miserable. It seems like poor Vanessa is hobbling around on a cane, and the near-sighted bitch won't even ask her what's the matter. To go from not using a cane to using 1, usually that means there's a problem with that person. Quoting this steam-roller of a woman, '...that I don't interfere with personal lives of employees,' is a bunch of crap! I would think she'd want to know what's going on in the lives of her employees so she won't end up sued. But that's just my view. I'm sure she's a lovely lady. And, Vanessa trudges on, boiling...

A piece of advice, which I will share with you, was given to Lady V a couple of days ago, from a very wise older man, 'Don't let anyone take up space in your head that's not paying rent!' I like that. And that's the thought I will leave you with...

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