Thursday, September 18, 2008


Well, here we all sit in Room 1022 at Northwestern Memorial Hospital with Vanessa. We, meaning Steve, Daniel, Judith, and myself. Vanessa went into surgery this morning and Steve and I remained all day long in the waiting room. After a couple of check ins with us, finally they came and got us to see our girl after they had tried to put her back together again. The doctor told us the surgery was a success!

Here, hours later, we are all being threatened with being thrown out of the hospital. It's like sitting around her table. Nothing is sacred, nothing is left to sit on the burner. This started just as soon as Vanessa's being wheeled into surgery. The party was on!

Slowly, 1 by 1, people started leaving. Finally it was just the 2 of us. And we were still having fun. Finally, my pills kicked in and I was going down for the count. But, our reining star couldn't go to sleep to save her life.

I heard, the next morning, even before my 1st cup of coffee, that around 3 am, Vanessa's wide awake and a green fog drifted into the room. She's looking around trying to figure out where it was coming from, hiding her head under her gown, and trying her best to keep down the broth they gave her for dinner.

There I was, sleeping like an angel, with my ass pointing in her direction. That's where the "silent but deadly" stench was coming from.

Poor Vanessa, trapped in her bed, hooked up to everything but the kitchen sink, unable to make a run for it. She's gasping for her life, and it wouldn't go away. The air in the room was so stagnate and not willing to move, the fog just hung like a duck in the window of a Chinese restaurant.

Vanessa gasping for air, can't find the button for the nurse, but what's she gonna say to her when she does finally come into the room. 'Get that man out of here!' They came in here this morning asking her if she had passed gas yet. Silence grabbed the room by the throat, just like it did last night.

All in all, Vanessa is on the mend. She's causing trouble like normal. This morning, she got us yelled at for leaving the floor to go outside to smoke a cigarette. Boy, that nurse was mad!

Well, Steve just walked in to relieve me for the day so I can go home and face what is there for me. Dog, cats, a messy house, Jasmine, with her 2 sons from out of town, and my new BF, John-Michael. I'll talk about him a little more in detail later on. He is the newest member to sit around Vanessa's Kitchen Table.

So, with these finally words of wisdom, I'll bid you adieu, "If it looks green and smells like shit, it probably is!"

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