Thursday, September 24, 2009


Why does summer have to end?

In all its spectacular color, why does fall have to begin?

Why do we, as adults, see Fall leaves, piled on the ground, revert to being a kid, and kick them up in the air as high as we can? Or, am I the only one that does that? LOL

Why do we go on when we know one day it will all end?

Why is that you die and are sent to wonderful, pain free, love filled existence, then are sent back home where pain abounds?

Why do they say that lightning never strikes twice in the same place, when it does?

Why do we love, just to get our hearts broken?

Why do we reach out to help others, only to have people question the method we used to reach out?

Why do we adopt pets knowing that we will probably out live them, and turn around and do it all over again?

It's very humid out today, but there is definitely a chill in the air. Makes me feel a little bummed out, knowing what is around the corner. Back home, in Dallas, there still experiencing 90 degree plus temps with unbearable, every pun intended, humidity. Shirt soaking weather. And, you wonder why do people still live there?

I was watching the squirrels in our neighborhood for the last couple of days. I've learned to judge how bad the winter is going to be by their activity. The squirrels are going crazy!!! All my plants, but one, have been moved in doors. The last will find a home in Ron's room when I get back this afternoon. There is so much dirt on my back porch from those little bastards, digging in all my potted plants, throwing one, that I had just planted, three floors down. It didn't commit suicide, it was pure murder! Why would a squirrel want to harm one of my plants???

When tears are made from you own body, why do they burn when you cry?

Why does the sunrise look different from sunset?

Just a lot of random unanswered questions that run thru my mind on a daily basis, that I pray made you stop and think. Most people would say I'm crazy. Why?

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